February 20, 2024

There are two secrets to becoming a bestselling author. (1) Be fiercely talented. (2) Release your first book no later than about 1990. Today? The odds are roughly zero that you will sell a lot of books if you’re working on your first book now. They’re not exactly zero. That’s an exaggeration. They’re just so…

February 7, 2024

Apple began delivering Vision Pro headsets to reviewers and customers last week. By all accounts, they’re quite nice VR devices. Oops! Apple doesn’t want Vision Pro to be called a “virtual reality” device. It’s trying to kickstart a new market and leave old baggage behind. Many people have already made up their minds: “VR” equals…

January 30, 2024

At the end of Uncommon Scents, an unruly mob of conspiracy believers gathers in Boyd Park, a lovely city park near downtown San Rafael. We wrote a scene filled with the creativity and diversity that people might bring to the world if augmented reality becomes widely available. Our scene is packed with in-jokes, references to…

January 23, 2024

The reality behind Veilpiercer’s supervillain I’m surprised by feedback about a character in Veilpiercer. Lexi Xenos is the CEO of the fictional giant tech company Arrgle, and she’s just awful. She’s obsessed with privilege. She’s rich beyond imagining and unashamed about using her wealth for selfish indulgence. She manipulates and belittles people, a high-tech version…