July 2, 2024

It’s the middle of 2024 and our world is all AI, all the time. AI dominates tech news and the financial world. Giant companies are spending unbelievable amounts of money to improve AI technology and bulk up their server capacity. Nvidia – the company that makes the chips best suited to running AI – is…

September 1, 2023

In the last article we talked about Xreal Air glasses and competitors. They look like sunglasses but when you put them on you can see a giant screen in the air a few feet in front of you, as if you’re sitting in a movie theater. As promised, Lenovo just formally announced its own AR glasses, Lenovo Legion Glasses, on…

January 17, 2023

Over half of all US kids and teenagers under the age of 16 play Roblox every month. Read that again. Over half of all US kids and teenagers under the age of 16 play Roblox every month. It’s been going on for years, completely under the radar. You’ve never heard of Roblox. We live in…

December 12, 2022

Augmented reality is going to sneak into your life, quietly turning up in useful ways that seem natural and not like high tech mumbo jumbo at all. It’s already happening. Recently Google took a big step right in front of your eyes, genuine change-the-world stuff, and you haven’t noticed yet. Google just made it easier…