June 11, 2024

There was a full-page ad in the New York Times on Friday for the new Samsung “Bespoke AI” washer/dryer combo. Seriously. Of course “AI laundry” is marketing crap. I’ll bet some business advertised “Crypto Ovens” a couple of years ago. It’s meaningless and stupid. AI hysteria is on the rise. This is still the early…

May 2, 2024

AI is going to change things that you use every day. The changes will be profound, perhaps more fundamentally important than the internet or the computer or the iPhone. The speed at which things change will be faster than anything you’ve ever lived through before. You don’t believe me. That’s okay, I’m used to that….

April 18, 2024

On Friday, March 29, Microsoft engineer Andres Freund saved the world. He found malware shortly before it was due to be distributed to the vast majority of the world’s servers, including those used by banks, hospitals, governments and Fortune 500 companies. The bit about saving the world – that’s not hyperbole. An attack was foiled…

June 11, 2023

In the last article I described a few things missing from Apple’s introduction of its new AR/VR ski goggles spatial computer, Vision Pro. Take the time to watch this six-minute distillation of the Apple presentation, or this Apple nine-minute promotional video. I want to point out a few more things that stand out because they’re not there. Shared experiences are missing. Every…