January 28, 2025

I’m going to change what arrives in your mailbox in a very minor way. You don’t have to do anything except whitelist my emails when they get sent to junk mail. (Gmail sometimes sends them to “Promotions” for some reason.) Here’s the short version. I’m retired from consulting but I’m still going to write about…

December 31, 2024

“Celebrate while you still can Cause any second it may end . . .” – Oingo Boingo, No One Lives Forever Jim Rowson passed away peacefully on December 26, 2024 at age 70 from fucking cancer. (That was his term for it, and the fucking cancer deserved the abuse, the sneaky bastard.) He was a visionary…

April 22, 2024

Uncommon Scents is featured on GDCramer.com, where George Cramer showcases new authors each week. We’re grateful to George for the recognition. George suggested a short interview about the book and our backgrounds. We arranged a session at an exclusive Hollywood recording studio but George didn’t show up, possibly due to visa issues but more likely…

December 20, 2023

My mom made the best chocolate chip cookies. You can make them yourself – the recipe is below. Or drop by and we can make a batch together. Seventeen years ago I was working on a startup to help automate making videos from still photos and a soundtrack. Before writing the software, it’s always good…