October 17, 2022

We’ve been talking about new devices for AR and VR as if they’re just engineering challenges. All the companies have to do is invent some cool batteries and lenses and poof, there’s a revolution. There’s another problem and it’s just as difficult as the high tech stuff. Let’s call it the input problem. How do you…

October 2, 2022

We are on the verge of marketing pushes for new AR/VR devices by two giant corporations. Later this month Facebook/Meta will introduce a new generation of its Oculus VR headsets, the enterprise-focused Oculus Quest Pro. In 2023 Apple will finally show off glasses that blend AR and VR in ways yet to be revealed. Perhaps…

August 22, 2022

Luxuriate in the awfulness of the above picture. It’s Mark Zuckerberg’s avatar in virtual reality, taking a selfie in front of the Eiffel Tower and it’s hard to be sure, maybe Sagrada Familia in Barcelona? Meta released the picture to promote the release of its VR environment Horizon Worlds in Spain and France. Within an hour…

October 30, 2021

Facebook changed its name to “Meta.” Been reading the tech news? You’ve probably seen all kinds of speculation about the reasons for the name change. Most journalists figure that Facebook is just looking for a distraction from its problems. And it has problems! Facebook is under pressure from regulators and lawmakers for all sorts of…